Blog update and UI redesign
I have upgraded my blog application from Rails 2.3.x to Rails 3 and re-designed the UI.
Here is short summary of changes:
- Removed Akismet integration, added reCaptcha
- Removed textile support, added WYMeditor
- Removed SHJS, added SyntaxHighlighter for syntax highligh
- Introduced web-app-theme to the admin interface
- Added support for multiple editors on the blog
- Introduced HTML5 boilerplate template
- Usage of HTML5 elements and CSS3 styles
- Complete re-design of the UI
- Better testing stack & updated Cucumber scenarios and RSpec specs
Future plans:
- Customization support (make it easy for users to customize and deploy the application)
- Add support for editors to just add their RSS feed URL if they don’t want to write posts (useful when deployed as a “team blog”)
- Deploy the application as “team blog” to where it will allow editors that don’t have their existing blog to write posts and also allow editors that have their existing blog only to submit their RSS feed URL
- Extract jQuery.tweets & jQuery.tracks as independent plugins (latest tweets/tracks from Twitter/, see the homepage)